Day 1 - My better/other half left at 6am this morning. He was up at 4:30am, ergo so was I. Couldn't get back to sleep, the wind is howling outside blowing away what is left of the snow. Spent yesterday afternoon pooper scoopering. When our puppy first started going straight out first thing in the morning to do his thing I thought I had won the canine jackpot, I rarely even took a baggie along for walks he was so regular and of course the snow started falling back in November and didn't stop, covering each layer with a fresh blanket of white. Now I am paying for all those easy walks, our backyard is a minefield of dog poop and the rest of the world looks just as depressing. All grey, brown and covered in litter. The snowbanks are solid cement and about the same colour, I finally turned off the timer for the Christmas lights outside, they don't look as cheery in the fog.
It is only mid-February, winter has a long way to go in this part of the world. There will be no blossoms poking up anytime soon. I just wish this thaw would just move along so we can enjoy some spring skiing, lunch on the deck at the hill and sun!
It's going to be a long 12 days with the boys if we aren't skiing on the weekends and they can't play outside because of the mud and doggie do. Spring is my least favourite season around here, we never get the mild air and soft hints of green, no cherry blossoms gently swaying in the breeze. It goes straight from frigid to soaking wet to hot and humid.
The Long Road Turns a Corner
Ski racing may bring you to your knees in its heartache. But when you lift
up your head and look down the long road, you'll see that it gives back in
My husband went to Korea for 2 weeks last September, and I also blogged about my single mother experience. One of the things I did to make it easier for the kids (not sure how old yours are; mine are 7 and 4) was to relax some rules. They were allowed to eat dinner with the TV on, they had Pop Tarts and sweet cereal for breakfast, etc. Hope it goes well!